Naked Hearts is out in the world

My first ever book baby, Naked Hearts is out in the world and I couldn’t be prouder.

This story is very dear to me. I chose to market it as fiction but the truth is that this story is based on real life events.

A tragedy I endured, which changed the course of my life, forever. I feared letting you all in on this secret, afraid to be judged, afraid to allow myself to fall back into a space I left long ago and wish never to revisit.

But this story needed to be told, not only for my own healing, but because I felt it was my duty as a survivor to share this experience with others who might have gone through the same torture, fear, shame, and self-loathing I went through.

As I laid out the hardest parts of my life, one thing rose in my mind above all else. 


Not because I think I’m a worthy source of strength and encouragement, but because if I’ve gone through it, so have many of you. I’m no one special.

But what is special is being able to find a kindred spirit, who understands the depth of our despair.

Someone who could make us feel less alone in that dark place we were unwillingly thrown into.

As I wrote this story I kept telling myself that if I could help even one reader feel less alone in their trauma, then I’d succeeded. I’d accomplished what I set out to do.

As you follow Arabel on her journey to healing and self-discovery, I hope you feel supported to do the same. To pull yourself out of the murky waters that are making you feel like you’re drowning.

And if you haven’t gone through the horrific experience of being physically violated, then I’m very glad, and I hope you can also benefit from the trials these characters go through, because at the end of the day, we are all human, and can all relate to one another.

Because whether you’ve lived it or someone you love went through it, you are not alone.