Pen name change

Hello, my beautiful readers! I have news for you today. As I shared a few months back, I’ve decided to venture into the world of fantasy and paranormal romance. So ...

Naked Hearts is out in the world

My first ever book baby, Naked Hearts is out in the world and I couldn’t be prouder. This story is very dear to me. I ...

Shadowed Hearts is live on Amazon!

This was a very hard book to write. Even harder than Naked Hearts, despite the fact that this one is mostly fiction. This storyline swam ...

Following My Dark Fantasy Heart

Hello, and welcome to my blog! August is my birthday month, and as I reach another year of life, I feel the pull for a ...

Hello, and welcome to my blog

I’m Vale Ravenna, and I write romance. My stories are angsty, raw, and dark, though there’s also a lot of hope, love, and healing. 

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The Villain & the Forsaken

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